Wednesday Evening Learning Circle

Wednesday Evening Learning Circle seeks to deepen our experience and understanding of The Holy through prayer, meditation, and connection with The Divine and with each other. When we share our story from our heart level, and honour the story and experience of others, we create sacred space and holy moments. Join us for a time of refreshing and restoring rest in the presence of God.

Join us on Wednesday evenings at 7pm from September to June


Fall 2022:

There are three separate learning/exploring opportunities this fall, mostly at the church. We're hoping this little schedule will help you keep the info straight:

First and Second Wednesdays each month: Wednesday Evening Learning Circle - Understanding the New Testament, a DVD and discussion based program. 7 pm in the church library.

Third Wednesday each month:
Healing Circle - using aboriginal spirituality such as the Medicine Wheel in a supportive environment. Zoom-based class. Contact the office for info on how to join the group.

Fourth Wednesday each month: One Year to Live - exploring the final third of life through meditation, discussion and information sharing. 7 pm in the church library.

Fifth Wednesday - on occasion a month will have a 5th Wednesday. We will determine the content each month.